
Internet marketing after quarantine

Wiodąca agencja cyfrowa od 2001 roku.

Internet marketing after quarantine

Quarantine has changed our way of life, turned traditional commerce upside down and forced all marketing campaigns to turn 180 degrees and run in a new direction.

Due to long-term social isolation, some marketing tools have lost their effectiveness. Digital marketing is almost the only tool that now works at full capacity.

There are many internet marketing tools. During and after quarantine, they will become even more tested and effective.

In particular, these are:

– smm (social media marketing);

– SEO – optimization;

– contextual advertising;

– banner advertising;

– e-mail marketing;

– video marketing;

-event – marketing.

The global crisis will be a powerful additional impetus for the development of Internet marketing. Although world analysts are in no hurry to call this period the golden age of digital, nevertheless, its significant growth is noticeable.

It is difficult to say that during the quarantine new trends in digital marketing have been formed. Absolutely not, they have been talked about for a long time. Just now they have become more relevant for those who previously did not pay attention to them.

Internet marketing helps to increase site traffic, quickly find the target audience, communicate with them. Because of this, everyone who has a certain product or provides services, be sure to create if not a large portal, then landing or blog for its advertising.

And right now, marketing needs to be more flexible and fast than ever.

The task of marketing is not just to launch advertising campaigns and attract potential customers. Marketing is essentially the “intelligence” of a business. The marketing manager must not forget that a more important and important task for him, especially in times of crisis, should be forecasting the future, finding niches in which the company can be present, and new opportunities for business development. To make “quick decisions,” you should at least understand what is happening in the market with the demand and behavior of customers made by competitors and related companies to show the business leader possible solutions.

So what does marketing do to keep it from bending over the Crown Virus epidemic?

1. Do SEO and develop a brand. Brand and SEO generate a constant volume of new organic orders. If your site has many pages in Google search and they are ranked by relevant keywords – orders will come even if you stop all advertising.

2. Invest in system email marketing. All the money in repeat purchases, which is the cheapest to generate through email marketing. And mailings are the cheapest, profitable and measurable channel for generating repeat purchases.

3. Introduce remote work in marketing. For companies and teams that already work remotely, almost nothing has changed. The situation is complicated by the fact that all family members are at home, including small children. But in another – all the tasks in task managers, chatting.

The companies that worked in the office were affected. In order not to be among them, build work in the office as well as online – learn to keep records, set tasks in writing and chat. And replace desktop PCs with laptops for office workers. The laptop will allow the marketer to work anywhere, the desktop computer still needs to be brought and adjusted.

4. Review your hiring policy, consider freelancers. Employee salaries are fixed business expenses. To avoid having to painfully dismiss team members, review the marketing burden. Give everything that is not tied to the core of the business to freelancers on a piece-rate basis. And everything that concerns key processes, tie on those employees which you already have.

Marketing strategy, both long-term and short-term, must be synchronized with the business strategy.

The crisis is not only a tension, it is also a new opportunity. We should all now “run just to stay put,” as the Black Queen said in the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland.”