
The international electronic system PayPal has started operating in Ukraine

Wiodąca agencja cyfrowa od 2001 roku.

The international electronic system PayPal has started operating in Ukraine

The international electronic system PayPal has started operating in Ukraine, today Ukrainians can connect their Visa and MasterCard cards to the service.

The company also said it would temporarily not charge a fee for transferring funds to Ukrainians.
You can now open a PayPal account in Ukraine in 3 steps:

  1. On the official website, click “Open an account” (in the upper-right corner). Choose an account type, such as Personal Account.
    You will see a form where you need to fill in information about yourself and come up with a password.
  2. After filling out the form you will be offered another one where you need to provide information about citizenship, phone number and date of birth.
    You must then agree to the privacy statement and confirm that you are an adult.
  3. The next step is testing. Select to make a transfer or pay for the purchase (then you can cancel this action), there will be a window where you will need to enter the card number, its CVV and expiration date.
    That’s it, now you will have a personal account where you can add other cards, confirm your phone number and e-mail, etc.