
3 content criteria. How to write effective posts?

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3 content criteria. How to write effective posts?

Does content creation really take that long? And are there really alternatives? Can we create new content all the time?

Today, DaliWin agency will talk about three criteria that must be followed to better communicate with readers.

Reuse criterion

Do you know how many times we look for content that has been read on another blog? What is this for?

The reader can use your information more than once. Obviously, not all content will allow you to do it again. Consider, for example, the literature on social media promotion. Each time Facebook & Instagram are updated, new sources are released and old ones, respectively, may not be valid. Like many SEO articles that change frequently.

But think about how powerful content can be if every reader finds it useful and usable after many years. This is not a function it should be, but our marketing strategy for several years.

How to write such content?

We know that all content must be relevant, keep up with the times. But what does that mean? No, we’re not talking about articles like “10 Things to Do Before You Die,” “100 Books to Read,” “The Best Mushroom Pizza Recipe,” etc.

Such content actually resists the temporal. These are articles that we can update our blog. How to do it?

We have developed the following criteria

  • Rebirth of content. Writing a variety of articles that can be updated year after year gives the reader more information. Example? “Marketing Strategy for 2020”, “How to Create Social Media Marketing in 2019”, “Best Copywriting Books – 2018 Edition” and so on.
  • Creativity. Creating stories that are of interest to readers. After all, unique and powerful stories can be etched in their minds.
  • Write motivational articles. They are able to stimulate readers and encourage them to take action. Content can be read in a few years.

Experience criterion

Now let’s do an experiment: we don’t think about what this content should look like, but we clearly know what we want to get as a result. For us, portals are needed for two reasons: to find interesting information and to gather the right material about a particular person.

How to enrich the reader experience?

Do you remember the basics of modern online communications?

  • Follow the rules for writing articles.
  • Draw the readers’ attention to the brand in writing.
  • Thinking about the relationship between the reader and author.

We also recommend using the following criteria

  • Answer popular questions from your users. Learning to write in a corporate blog essentially means learning to listen to your customers. In order to accommodate their requirements and create the content they really need.
  • Solve problems: As we said, we’re looking for a solution. The blog companies should talk about the product, but in terms of resolving the offer. Don’t even name it, though, and talk about the services you can provide to your customers.

Proximity criterion

Did you have the feeling that this or that text was addressed just for you? We write to be closer to the needs of the reader. This means that the article is for the reader, not us.

The most relevant, in our opinion, is the blog. You ask why ? The blog best meets the criteria of today and the needs of the reader.

How do you create content that is of interest to this reader?

We can distinguish three main criteria:

  • Write eloquently. Each post and each article must have a unique story. It can be your personal or professional. What does this give us? A close bond that unites you and your readers.
  • Create content exclusively for others. In social media, we share other people’s posts. But how many times have we created content about our readers or customers, emphasizing their core qualities? Never, right?
  • To abandon the scientific style of writing. Why? In fact, none of the readers is a professional in the field, and even if it was, the writing style is important. It is a peculiar use of the language system for a specific purpose in specific circumstances and circumstances.

So, in order for an article or post to have an active impact on the reader, we try to use the above mentioned criteria when writing them: reuse, experience and closeness.