
How to choose the right social media channels for your business?

Wiodąca agencja cyfrowa od 2001 roku.

How to choose the right social media channels for your business?

Social media has become firmly established in the world of the Internet and has become an important element of the business strategy of many companies. Not surprising. Social networking channels have become effective tools for promotion and sales and guarantee direct contact with the customer. To get the most out of their potential, you need to know which ones are best for your business and show the best results.

Previously, choosing the right social networking platform was not difficult. Representatives of branded companies once created their own accounts on Facebook and Twitter – the most popular social networking platforms at the time. Over time, new channels have been added to their portfolio.

Those times are over, and today everything is different.

Both Instagram and LinkedIn or Pinterest are popular, and YouTube has become the leader in the ranking of the most active social networks, and it is impossible to do without it for those who promote it.

Today, it is difficult not to notice TikTok – the platform with the highest growth dynamics. This channel has every chance to become an additional market for brands.

Do I need to be on all social media channels?

Representatives of companies try to cover all existing social networks at once, creating a separate page. However, there is not enough time to deal with them and as a result – the activity of subscribers falls sharply.

Duplicating the same message on different channels or long pauses on the pages can negatively affect the brand image.

Less is better, but more effective! Make yourself known on several social networks, maintain these pages, fill them with useful and relevant information every day and do not forget to communicate with subscribers.

What to consider when choosing social networking channels for a company?

Available platforms differ in type of activity, subject and even group of recipients. Before you register, learn about their benefits, as well as calculate how much money you are willing to allocate to a resource.

The decision to choose social media channels for your business should be based on three main pillars:

  1. Understanding your customers.
  2. Knowledge of the specifics of social media channels.
  3. Knowledge of the industry.

We will consider them more closely:

1. Understanding your customers

If we mentioned only one element, it would be this one.

Why? Here is an example.

Your friend is a fan of water sports, and you have found a great travel agency that offers a trip where one of the points is surfing training. You want to report the discovery quickly, so do not wait for a chance meeting, and call or write.

You know exactly who your information should go to

By knowing which social media channels, customers use most often, you will be able to focus your communication precisely on those platforms where recipients are most active.

Why is this important?

If you know which networks your customers visit most often, it means that your time and money are not wasted. Simply.

Internet monitoring tools allow you to quickly determine which resources your customers are most interested in a brand, product or industry in general.

2. Knowledge of the specifics of social media channels

Each social platform has its strengths and weaknesses, and, as we mentioned earlier, it is characterized by the group of recipients, the subject and the type of activity.

Let’s take a closer look at the most popular social networks:


A place to publish video content. YouTube is a popular video marketing platform that is ideal for all companies with tutorials, DIY materials, or educational content.

The advantage of the platform is that you do not need to register to be able to view its content. This brought YouTube to the forefront of search engines.


No wonder the saying “You are not on Facebook – you do not exist.” We don’t know of any brand that doesn’t have a profile on this channel. Facebook is an offer for companies from all sectors, which offers the opportunity to publish a variety of posts – graphics, videos and text.

Facebook is often the customer’s first contact with the brand. This is influenced by:

  • well-targeted advertising,
  • commenting on posts,
  • posting opinions on the fan page
  • the ability to send private messages using the built-in messenger.


Recently, this visual platform has developed the fastest. Instagram is not only photos, but also an ideal place to promote goods and services.

However, to reach new recipients and effectively promote your brand there, you need to know a few basic rules.


It is used by companies in the B2B sector to increase brand awareness.

The platform works as a place to quickly share interesting articles or news. It is relevant for dynamic, fast-changing companies that want to share relevant information, important news or announcements.


Like Instagram, Pinterest is another “visual” social network where graphic material is collected. The platform is dominated by culinary, lifestyle, beauty, fashion and DIY. Many users are looking for inspiration on Pinterest because there are quality photos and infographics.


A business platform used to share ideas and collaborate. LinkedIn brings together experts from many fields who use the platform to attract leads, recruit and exchange views in a specific field.

3. Knowledge of the industry

Communication strategy in social networks is largely dictated by the type of activity you perform. For example, companies in the retail sector can benefit greatly from being active on these platforms, which are described as “visual”. Attractive product presentation on Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest allows you to present the product as much as possible.

In terms of industry knowledge, competition is also an important aspect. Checking which platforms your main competitors are active on is valuable information when choosing the right social media for your business.

This knowledge is especially useful if you are just starting your business and wondering which social networking channels to choose to promote your brand online. After all, it is likely that the activity of your competitors’ customers is the same as yours.

Competition monitoring is the basis not only before starting a business, but also during its conduct. Constant monitoring of rivals allows you to plan well-thought-out actions that will avoid mistakes and thus strengthen their position in the market.

Launch of social networks in business

Choosing the right social media channels is the first step towards implementing an effective communication strategy. Even the best ideas for campaigns or attractive posts will not fulfill their role if they are published in the wrong place.

The dynamics of social networks are constantly changing, so it is worth keeping an eye on the pulse. The decision to choose the right website for your company must be constantly updated, and control of current trends combined with knowledge of customer activity in this case is indispensable.