
Personal brand. Development plan

Wiodąca agencja cyfrowa od 2001 roku.

Personal brand. Development plan

Shall we play a small game?

Imagine that Nike sends you a new pair of sneakers that are not yet on sale. Or as you walk the red carpet with a bag from Louis Vuitton and a new suit from Prada, and you are followed by a train of incredibly delicious perfumes from Bulgari.

Sounds cool, right?

But to become an ambassador of world brands and receive a new product from them for free, you do not need to be a famous actor, model or a star.

You can have 300,000 followers on Instagram and also represent different brands.

Instagram is not only a social network with photos and videos, but also a platform where you can earn a lot of money. So many new professions have appeared: blogger, SMM-manager, content manager, storymaker, etc. about one of which we will now speak.

“Bloggers just take pictures of food and talk about their lives. It’s easy, everyone can do it. “

Did you recognize yourself?

Then why don’t global companies offer cooperation to all people who exhibit beautiful photos and take pictures of how their day goes?

So because the blogger is first of all a brand, and then already beautiful photos and td.

Let’s create your personal brand together and get closer to this goal.

So, the plan is:

  1. To begin with, think about what is special about you, what makes you different from others.

What are you interested in? Psychology? Fashion? Trends? Maybe you like to read a lot? Or do you understand the technique?

For example, now there are a lot of fashion bloggers who write about fashion trends, but you can present this information in a completely different way (take a creative video yourself, instead of posting a photo from the Internet) and thus differ from everyone.

2. What are your values, your mission?

Take my story as an example. I love caring for plants and everything related to Eco. That is, my mission is to convey to people that we need to think not only about our desires, but also not to forget about our planet. After all, we spend its resources without giving anything in return, we only destroy them and do not restore them in any way.

3. You have to be trusted. Do you believe that the best sneakers are from Adidas, Nike or, for example, New Balance?

In the same way, readers should trust you. How to do it? Show that you are an expert in a particular topic, advertise only what he used, and so on. People follow thought leaders.

4. Create content that your readers like, arouse interest and desire to discuss a topic.

5. You need to build empathy with your audience; become their friend.

Arrange a vote, listen to their opinion, share your experiences, because there will always be people who have had the same situation.

6. Be simple and interesting and then people will reach out to you.

7. Be responsible for your words and actions, always think what consequences this may have for other people and society as a whole.

Of course, this list can go on and on, but now you know the basic principles of how to create a personal brand.

It is important to develop a personal brand not only in order to become an ambassador of companies, but also in order to “find your own”, to expand the circle of communication, if you have your own company – thus to advertise it, for recognition, and most importantly – for self-improvement.

The main thing is to do everything with pleasure and to spread this energy to others.