
The case is a comprehensive online promotion of the clinic of ENT-Phoniatrist Tatyana Atamanyuk

Wiodąca agencja cyfrowa od 2001 roku.

The case is a comprehensive online promotion of the clinic of ENT-Phoniatrist Tatyana Atamanyuk

In this case, we want to show the work done on creating and designing pages in social networks, as well as the website for ENT – Phoniatrician Tatyana Atamanyuk.

Brief description of the project:

The customer asked for help from DaliWin digital to comprehensively advertise the clinic on the Internet. He already had a website and pages in social networks, but they were created incorrectly and there was no access to them.


  • Create new pages in social networks.
  • Develop a new logo, visuals, and icons.
  • Create a new site and fill it with information.
  • Fill the pages with useful publications.
  • Create a content plan with ideas for future posts.

The color scheme of the account was chosen together with the customer.

Name of pages in social networks: “ENT—Phoniatrist Tatyana Atamanyuk”

What needed to be done:

We faced the task of creating pages in social networks. Design and content filling, menu settings, widgets and other elements.

The customer provided photos from the photo shoot, brief information about the clinic and its services.

Social networks:

Creation of pages in social networks Facebook & Instagram.

Logo design

Development of a banner for Facebook

Visual development for pages

Writing posts

Creation of thematic stories

Development of banners for advertising

Launching targeted advertising in social networks

Advertising results

Creating a site:

  1. Website design development
  2. Writing text for the main page
  3. Creating a site menu: “Home page”, “Doctors”, “ENT”, “Children’s ENT in Ternopil”, “Advice of an ENT-Phoniatrist”, “Training”, “Prices”, “Contacts”.
  4. Writing articles for sections on the site
  5. Connecting and configuring widgets
  6. Menu item “Reviews” – connected a program that allows you to immediately add reviews from Google My Business to the site.
  7. I set up a widget for leaving an application on the website. They all come to the post office of the clinic.
  8. Menu item “Advice from Laura-Phoniatra” – wrote useful articles with keywords so that the site was pulled up in Google searches.


Social media pages and website are fully configured and filled with content. The customer has full access. Consultation appointment notifications are configured for his account.

The customer was satisfied with the work performed, so we continue cooperation now.

Linki do stron w sieciach społecznościowych:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lorternopil.com.ua/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lorternopil.com.ua

Site link: https://lorternopil.com.ua/

If you also want to receive complex management of pages in social networks and the website, fill out the application: https://dalistrategies.com/en/registration/