
TOP 8 rules of Internet etiquette

Wiodąca agencja cyfrowa od 2001 roku.

TOP 8 rules of Internet etiquette

Today, most people consider the Internet as a powerful means of solving business problems, an effective tool of doing business. This kind of maintenance and development of business, communication with customers and business partners, analytical research, collect the information needed to resolve production issues, training and the like.

In order to communicate in the virtual space was alive, simple and useful need to adhere to the netiquette. Yes, it is network etiquette gives the opportunity for personal growth regardless of your location and your interlocutor. Special attention in network communication and solving different kind of questions requires a period of quarantine. So we decided to share with you valuable rules of Internet etiquette, see below.

TOP 8 rules of Internet etiquette:

1. Calls and letters to the specific working hours. During the quarantine, most people understand that in a world where there Djilas, the work determined by the labor time, not the fact that we are sitting at the workplace a beautiful office. But in quarantine, most people moved into your home space. Therefore, it is important to take care of the work schedule. And this does not mean that you can’t receive e-mails, tasks, such as after working hours. It only gives you the right to work until a certain hour, and after this time, don’t answer.

2. Spam – no. “Not to spam” is probably one of the most important rules. Everyone had to be in a situation where you are a member of a certain group dialogue and there in 10 minutes comes a lot of messages. With the experience you open these messages, and then “Good morning”, “have a good day”, “Hug”, hundreds of emoticons, gtk, etc. Therefore, it is important to broadcast on messengers working groups a minimum of unnecessary actions and messages. Over time, you simply will not process this flow of information, and subsequently generally ignore the messengers. We need to fight for attention, and it’s not the most important factor when building and using a network communication.

3. Politeness – the new competitive advantage. If you want to get treated the same then act accordingly. It would seem that such a common thing to be polite, but it increases loyalty, creates a positive atmosphere that enhances the customer flow due to positive feedback in their environment. After all, polite communication professional – a great advantage over others.

4. Minimize the duration of an online conference.  Respect the time and opportunities of others.  Not everyone has the opportunity to talk for hours and listen to babysitter or your cat.  Some people are struggling to make video calls: looking for a quiet place in an apartment, setting up gadgets, etc.  Especially if you have a large family and everyone is quarantined at home.  Therefore, minimize the duration of video calls when working in a video mode, as they have gathered to resolve work issues as quickly as possible.

 5. The technical nuances must be resolved before the online conference begins.  The first thing you need to do is plan your day properly.  Namely, it is not enough to appear on time for an online meeting, although it is no less important indicator, but also to check all other nuances that may interfere with you and your interlocutors during the conversation.  Make sure that you are clearly visible in the frame, that it is not visible that the home runs in the frame, put the correct light, check the sound.  Equally important is how you look, whether you are wearing pajamas or wearing the more casual clothes your colleagues are used to seeing.  After all, quarantine is not eternal, and not the time when you can allow yourself to lose a professional face.

6. Select a moderator.  Of course, if an online conference is not large and attracts a large number of people, then this is not a prerequisite.  However, if more than 5 people gather during an online meeting, it is worth considering a moderator.  What is a moderator for and what should he do?  This is the person who conventionally organizes an online conference, ie sends out invitations to participate, sends the word to everyone in turn, watches over who wants to speak.  In order to avoid the noise and say everything in a row, then a moderator for a big online meeting is what you need.

 7. Food and drinks in the frame.  It is common for everyone to drink water and tea in the “live” format.  But this does not apply to online meetings.  As your cups, glasses, bottles will be displayed in the frame, the movements will attract the attention of other parties, and worst of all, all participants will hear how you taste the drinks.

 8. Personal borders.  Make sure they are.  So that no one is offended and there are no unnecessary questions about why you did not answer last night, for example, indicate on your pages the hours that you can gladly answer or talk with.

 And finally, quarantine is bound to end sooner or later.  Don’t wait until all the traffic lights turn green on your path.  You don’t have to be big to get started, but to get big you have to start.  Come on, develop and you will succeed!