
Where to look for inspiration and ideas for content on social networks?

Wiodąca agencja cyfrowa od 2001 roku.

Where to look for inspiration and ideas for content on social networks?

The tragedy for the SMM specialist is the lack of topics for content. When you tell subscribers about a thousand ways to use the product, congratulate the day of the invention of mayonnaise and the professional holiday of painters, held a contest and even summed it up, and fasting is still necessary, refer to the tips: share places where you can endlessly spy ideas for new posts on social networks and blog posts.

Useful sources of ideas for posts

Google Trends

Follow the info of events: react to current events with jokes or useful materials. You can find such events in trends of any platform (for example, all current events are discussed on Twitter and are on the Trends tab).
Take a look at Google Trends to see what users are discussing on the Internet today – firstly, for professional professions smmschik need to be aware of high-profile topics, and secondly – among the info drives you can find relevant to your brand. And from them, you can get ideas for posts.

Foreign resources

Choose the best foreign blogs and communities on your topic and monitor them – adaptation for Ukrainian-speaking audiences will turn such publications not into translation, but into ideas for posts and new material based on what you see.
Try Pinterest to find such resources. This includes blog covers that you might not find through a regular search. Enter relevant query topics and follow the link to the image source.

Competitors: Analytics through Popsters

Track and analyze competitors’ publications. You will understand which topics work best, which competitive mechanics give the best involvement, and which, on the contrary, do not work. So, you will have a lot of your ideas for posts that you can publish with a higher probability of their popularity.

Simplify analytics with tools – for example, Popsters.ru will identify the most discussed and popular posts for the analyzed period, upload the results to Excel and compare the effectiveness of different publication formats, text length and other parameters that affect the success of publishing on social networks