Fast development of your business with Google Ads.
Nowadays, the Internet and advertising has become an integral part of the lives of most of the active population of Ukraine and the world. Thus, according to a study conducted by the Factum Group Ukraine by order of the Internet Association of Ukraine (IAU) - the share of of regular users of Google in 2019 amounted to 63.1% and it has a steady upward trend since 2017. This figure was 53.% in 2015 and 33% in 2016. The Internet is home to 61.3% of Ukraine's population, so we can state the fact that that the use of Internet technologies and contextual advertising to promote business is very relevant and timely.
The social web and Google are growing with the help of people who actively communicate with each other, publish information about themselves and define their circle of interests. As a rule, all of them are potential clients for advertisers and contextual advertising. For a company (brand) here it is possible to become popular in a matter of hours, make an active representation of any products or services.

The most widespread and popular type of online advertising is contextual advertising in Google Ads. And when properly tuned, it is personalized (advertising), as it is broadcast to the target audience, namely people with certain social and demographic data. Google Ads is not seen by those who are not interested in it, which is why it is called targeted; advertisers are given the opportunity to choose the audience to whom their product or service will be shown. Thus, targeting is a combination of technical and design solutions that allow you to select only the part of the available audience of the site, that satisfies the predefined criteria, i.e. the target audience, and focus on it when displaying ads.
The most widespread way of contextual advertising is Google Ads. Pages on Google consist of natural and advertising and advertising. Natural search results are generated as a result of the work of various algorithms search engines that take into account the content of website promotion, external links, and the on websites and many other factors. By improving these parameters, you can improve the position of your site in search engines. However, in competitive topics it takes several months for a website to appear in the TOP.
The Google search results are formatted differently.
The position of an ad in the search results is mainly influenced by two parameters:
- the cost per click that an advertiser is willing to pay to a search engine;
- the response rate of an ad (CTR), which is calculated as the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of impressions.
Ads with high CPC on Google Ads take the leading positions. In addition, search engines try to take into account also take into account the origin of visitors to advertisers' websites, as it is an indicator of the the quality of the entire chain: user request > ads > advertiser's website > product (service). However, even with a low CPC and low quality of the advertised you can bring your ads to the top positions due to the high cost per click. By managing the bids (maximum CPC), advertisers can raise and and lower the position of their ads many times during the day.

Let's take a closer look at the Google Ads system, which currently occupies about 68% of the contextual advertising market on the Runet. The basic object in the Google system is an ad, which consists of a headline, text and a link to a website. In addition, the announcement may contain various additions, including quick links to different pages of the main site. It is is easy to see when you look at Google search results for any query.
The advertiser in Google Ads specifies key phrases for which the ads should be shown. The number of phrases is not limited, but their total length per ad cannot exceed 4096 characters. It is necessary to understand the difference between the keyword phrase paid for by the advertiser and the user's search query in Google. For example, if the advertiser pays for clicks on the phrase Contextual advertising, the ad will be shown to all queries containing these two words, including the query Referral for contextual advertising in Google Ads.
The announcements on this issue will lead to meaningless discussions for two reasons:
- users looking for a reference will click on ads, but will not pay for the contextual advertising service;
- if these users do not click on ads, then unclicked impressions will lead to a decrease in CPC and an increase in the cost per click for other queries.
To exclude the appearance in Google Ads for queries including unwanted words, an advertiser can use the list of minus words. For example, Table 1 demonstrates the use of the minus word - abstract to prohibit impressions on the query "work. contextual advertising".
Table 1

If you want to show ads only for those queries in which the word form of the words corresponds to the key phrase, you can use the Google Ads operator! (exclamation mark). For example, in the table 2 demonstrates its use to exclude query impressions that contain the words Contextual advertising appear in a different pad. Table 3 demonstrates exceptions to the request letters in which the word Agency appears in the second number.
Table 2

The "" (quotes) operator in Google Ads allows you to prohibit the display of ads for exact match queries that contain other words besides the keyword phrase (Table 1 and Table 2). But the use of the "pawns" operator is due to the fact that users rarely use queries that correspond exactly to the key phrase.
Table 3

For each phrase, the advertiser in Google Ads specifies a bid for each phrase. The actual cost per click never exceeds the bid, it is usually much lower. But the real price increases significantly if it raises the bid of the competitor in Google Ads, which is the next position down. If in in this situation, the advertiser slightly reduces the bid in the ad, then its actual cost per click decreases significantly, and the competitor's CPC increases significantly.
The most important element of an advertisement on Google is a link to a website that contains additional parameters.
The only thing left to do is to track in Google Ads, whether this visitor converted to a client and purchased the advertiser's service. Thus, such statistics allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of ads in advertising and key phrases and make decisions on disabling or changing ineffective campaign elements.
The Google Ads system allows you to make a month ahead of time with transitions and costs for each phase. Let's consider the possibility of such forecasting for the Knowledge Verification topic. In Fig. 3 shows the scatterplots for certain phrases (actual data - triangles, predicted data - circles). In total, 280 visitors actually came to the website from Google using these phrases at a cost of 6.23 c.u., although only 232 visitors were expected to search on Google Ads at a cost of 5.1 cents.
Usually, the forecasts of the Google Ads system system forecasts for the number of visitors and budget are usually overestimated, in part because they do not take into account because they do not take into account negative words.
Internet advertising is not only a large a complex of measures, which helps various forms of submission in Google to popularize and promotes information images of goods and services in electronic form - advertising, but also plays an important role in the life and online communication of today's users.
Undoubtedly, Internet advertising - Google Ads - has prospects for development in the Ukrainian online media space as an interactive, modern communication channel.
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