How to do business efficiently

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How to do business efficiently

"When you realize that you are among the majority, it is time to stop and and think about it" (Mark Twain)

  • Doing less meaningless work to focus on the things that matter most to you is not laziness. Focus on being productive, not busy.
  • When it comes to the important things in your life, planning doesn't work. The universe will not change for you on purpose. There will never be perfect conditions. "Someday" always leads to failure, and pros and cons lists are also bad. If something is important to you, just go for it and do it and adjust everything in the process.
  • Most people will want to stop you before you start doing something, but they will hesitate to do so if you are already in the middle of doing something. It is better to ask for forgiveness than for permission!
  • You can increase your results many times over by utilizing your strengths. It's much more effective to use your strengths than to smooth out your weaknesses, wasting energy
  • An excess of something can have negative consequences. There should be a balance between theory and practice, work and leisure.
  • Money alone is not a solution. "If I had a lot of money..." is a popular excuse that hides laziness.
  • People who deny all criticism lose. Only destructive criticism should be denied. Positive stress (eustress) has the Greek prefix eu (health), which is found in the word euphoria.