Modern etiquette

Leading Digital Agency Since 2001.

Modern etiquette

Digital etiquette: how to behave on the Internet

Rules of business correspondence:

  • greeting at the beginning of the email;
  • put a signature at the end of the letter;
  • avoid spelling and punctuation errors;
  • do not send work emails outside of business hours;
  • do not attach heavy files;
  • do not confuse the "Reply" and "Reply All" buttons;
  • do not send working documents in messengers;
  • be sure to indicate the subject line in your emails.

Rules for group communication in forums and social media groups:

  • be polite;
  • addressing strangers on a first-name basis;
  • not to use mat and swear words;
  • do not add people to groups without asking;
  • not to float (i.e., to speak only on a given topic);
  • do not spam (i.e., do not publish unsolicited advertising messages);
  • not to get personal in disputes and discussions.

Rules for maintaining corporate accounts in social networks:

  • not to pass off other people's content as your own;
  • not to make too many posts;
  • do not post memes and accordions;
  • not to abuse advertising of their services and their organization;
  • do not tag people in posts to attract attention;
  • do not curse yourself;
  • do not mark people on greeting cards.