The New York Times publishes a powerful text with the main thesis: consumption of digital services is a sign of poverty. We say digital economy, but we mean a service economy for the poor.

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The New York Times publishes a powerful text with the main thesis: consumption of digital services is a sign of poverty. We say digital economy, but we mean a service economy for the poor.

You are poor if your doctor consults You are poor if your doctor consults you over the Internet instead of in person.

Poor you, if your children study online and not from offline teachers.

You are poor if you buy goods online and not in a nice store in the city center.

There is a giant market for the poor sexual services online, where third worlders sell erotic fantasies to poor citizens of the first world who are able to spend an extra ten dollars.

It's no secret that the rich prefer old-fashioned tutors, personal trainers, and chefs to Coursera or smartphone food delivery. But the author of the article, Nellie Bowlers, goes further and states that there is a "luxuryization" of human relationships.

If you still receive services from living people or have the opportunity to communicate with them, then you are most likely a member of the new elite, whose prestigious consumption is to abandon from digital services in favor of offline ones.

The poor buy iPhones on credit, while the rich refuse to buy smartphones. The poor try to make sure that their children know how to use computers, while the rich offer their offspring private schools where education is based on communication between people. A life spent in front of a screen is now a sign of your lack of success in life.

At this point, Bowlers strayed into the rather controversial claim that growing up with gadgets is detrimental to children's cognitive development and claims that many unscrupulous psychologists are on the side of IT corporations in this numerous unscrupulous psychologists are on the side of IT corporations in this discussion.

But when she describes a 68-year-old pensioner who lives on a subsistence level and whose main conversation partner a cat named Sox drawn on a tablet, the text as a whole is perceived as extremely convincing. The idea of a painted cat to look after the elderly was invented by a 31-year-old businessman whose startup's employees are from the Philippines.

If you are told that you are dying by a computer program, it means that you are dying as a poor person in the digital economy.