The "lure" of marketing

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The "lure" of marketing

Influencing the minds of customers is quite easy if you understand psychology.

Well-known social psychologists, such as Robert Cialdini and Noah Goldstein, have even conducted research that has allowed them to evaluate and develop simple psychological techniques that effectively influence people.

А Now for the techniques themselves:

  • A negative image of competitors' products allows customers to quickly and painlessly accept a new product of their favorite brand, even if friends or other customers speak negatively about it.
  • You need to tell the customer not only about the benefits of the product, but also about the possible losses if they refuse to purchase it. It's better to talk about the benefits if the product is unusual in the company's assortment.
  • A person is more likely to make a positive purchase decision if they know that other people have used your company's product or service before them. The technique is based on the principle of social proof. In the UK, this technique was used by the Ministry of Revenue and Customs, which increased the collection of overdue payments by 29%.
  • Active social proof helps to overcome negative public opinion. This technique is often used in social advertising.
  • Addressing a customer by name is guaranteed to attract their attention. This effect can be seen at noisy parties or clubs, where people always hear their name, no matter how loud the music is.
  • Emphasizing the similarities between customers and other people who have already purchased a product or used a service literally forces them to make a purchase.
  • If you allow a person to look at a situation/product/service from a different angle, you can help them realize new marketing opportunities.
  • People who have made a pre-sale commitment are more likely to make purchases. Such a commitment can be an agreement to receive information.
  • Stories that show the positive impact of a product on others also help increase sales.
  • An offer to reserve the purchase of a product that will only appear on the market after a while works perfectly, obliging the buyer to make a deal anyway.