
How to begin Facebook ADS campaign – step by step

Leading Digital Agency Since 2001.

How to begin Facebook ADS campaign – step by step

Industry electronic commerce is a one from few areas for which the pandemic has been a driving force. According to research, online sales accounted for 14% share of retail sales of goods, online sales of month to month amplify their scale. Experts note that current the situation with online sales is progressive. While traditional ordinary trade is disadvantaged position, online sales become preferential way of doing business.

Why Facebook ADS promotes increase chances of success in online sales?

Entrepreneurs are increasingly used social networks that are proven and effective sales channel. Social networks also are an excellent place to promote products and services and attract a target audience. In the era of pandemic COVID-19 ratings social networks systematically are growing. Consumers are increasingly use methods of remote communication, which are a direct consequence of epidemic restrictions. Analysis current market situation confirms the conviction that Facebook is an excellent environment for the successful sale of any product. This is the area where you can cover precisely selected group recipients based on demographic and psychographic data. Means allows building image companies by creating purchasing needs.

In this article, we review them the following questions :

  • Support tools – advertising manager and company manager ;
  • definition target audience advertising ;
  • tricks choice advertising budget campaigns ;
  • How and where can place ads on Facebook ;
  • Setting up advertising messages ;
  • Choice suitable advertising goals ;
  • Avoid use functions that may damage the result.

Support tools management Facebook. What such advertising and business managers?

Facebook provides two of the most important functions when the case comes to holding advertising campaigns. The first manages the company, who is an intuitively clear control center of everyone marketing activities carried out through this social network. Second tool is an Ad Manager is functionality that makes it easy to process management of advertising, her distribution, customization and viewing all the most important information. Facebook in 2021 introduced an additional tool that is a Facebook business Suite, for general use, allowing you to manage all owned giant platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and messenger. From this tool, you can go to the above managers. We will see that brought them in the future. Analytical this year instruments Facebook disappear, perhaps advertising and management company also will acquire new look. Below we will discuss step by step how to start advertising on Facebook in the currently available time form.

Company manager

Company manager is a basic place management marketing activities on Facebook. This is kind of center where all the most important information about the ongoing marketing activities. This useful tool convenient as for individual managing subjects, and for large companies with multiple employees. From panel company manager management can grant access to individual team members, and business partners. The company manager is an excellent place to manage activities companies on the web. This is allowing to raise security activities and also promotes simplification process implementation marketing events on Facebook.

To go to the section that allows to create your company manager account, click HERE.

Advertising Manager

Advertising Manager some different in its own way nature. Like the leader company, he is a kind of control center, however, in this aspect, the activity concerns strictly advertising questions. So, This is a place that allows users to create useful social media advertising networks, and manage them effectively. This is the center of the collective control, which allows tracking the results of your campaigns. Tool intended as for absolute novices and experienced advertisers. Thanks to the manager possibility to create and adapt advertising campaigns for changing needs of companies. He corrects advertising budget, target audience and delivery method of advertising. Also carried out editing and analysis efficiency activities. Finally, Ad Manager allows :

  • Create new advertising campaigns ;
  • Simplified process management advertising on Facebook ;
  • Analysis performance conducted events.

Advertising Manager is one of the most important marketing tools provided on Facebook. Click HERE to go to Ad Manager.

Pixel Facebook

Pixel Facebook is element advertising ecosystems Facebook allowing to measure affects your activities. For many entrepreneurs Facebook is not the only one the place where carried out marketing activity. Furthermore, customers often use own thematic blogs, online stores or internet sites. In this case, you need to implement the tool under name Pixel. This is a small special code snippet collects user information to our website and social networks, and associated with advertising accounting record. This is allowing to create potential group recipients predicted based on activity of users in Internet.

How implement functionality of tool Pixel? The main requirement, of course, is Availability in his site. Entrepreneur should have possibility to customize website code. Installation is based on connection sources data in the event manager Facebook. By going to the “website” and “pixel” sections of Facebook, select link option. Then you need to go to your website to install Pixel, for example, in the CMS.

Represented detailed installation and setup instructions Pixel IN THIS PLACE.

Preparing for the first advertising campaigns

Before how to begin marketing activity, should check right introduced Facebook data. Make sure all personal information data, names company and payment methods is correct. After positive checks them correctness you can go to the “Create” section located in the ad manager Facebook ADS. Exist various way’s creation advertising online campaigns. Campaign is a general concept, so she will consist from smaller parts. Second, a set of declarations is defined given that campaign maybe consist from several sets. Equals like yourself advertising sets are also divided into smaller parts, and they may include more on advertising Facebook.

Advertising target. Without her, it is forbidden move

Why choice correct advertising goals so important regarding enterprise seeking to promote your brand with social networks? Professional advertising agency comes up with an answer explaining the legitimacy of these actions :

At the beginning, ask yourself the main the question is: Why you want to implement online advertising for your companies? Perhaps your goal is to get first clients, maybe you already borrow a good position and want to show people a new product?

Answer to these questions suggests training relevant advertising strategies and use relevant advertising goals. Here can assume that after choice specific advertising goals Facebook will look for suitable users who will respond to what we expect from them. So should select one, maximum two goals that will implement in advertising campaigns. Without information about the product, that is, de facto advertising, the consumer will not be able to check out the offer. Therefore, setting and achieving advertising goals critical. This is maybe to be associated with an increase in brand awareness, mentioning already presented products. Advertising goal too maybe be associated with desire to build prestigious image companies.

Target categories Facebook ads

Before how to begin advertising campaign on Facebook, you need to put an ad target. Facebook provides three main categories of goals that a user should use. Each from these areas has some other characteristics and will be optimal in various circumstances. Here they are :

  • Brand awareness. It contains goals that increase brand perception, inform potential customers about the operation of given companies or exit to a specific market. Goal campaigns in these Categories : Brand awareness and assortment
  • Motivation to action. It contains goals that are to convince recipient search-specific company information. This is lead, for example, to the transfer of traffic to your own website where offered goods for sale. Goal campaigns these in these Categories : traffic, activity, application installation, browsing video, receiving contacts and messages.
  • Transformation. He has goals that encourage audience use to offer companies. For example, they may convince readers that costs visit new room companies. Goal campaigns in these Categories : conversions, sales from catalog products, traffic in the company.

Facebook ADS is the first stage new campaigns

Intuitive clear option panel Facebook ADS in Advertising manager makes it easy to go through all the step’s creation of advertising campaigns on Facebook. However, costs remember some major moments that may be useful in creating future campaigns :

  • Before everything, a recurring you should develop, recurring naming scheme, easily linking title campaigns.is This will to create allow keep the list neat if we someday decide to create another campaign later.
  • If a business focuses on unusual activities, for example social or political, he also should approve option” special categories advertising.” In this case, the content should be additionally verified team Facebook rather question funding advertising visible to everyone recipients. This is for a raise transparency in social media and reductions scale dissemination so-called. Fake news.
  • On the next setup steps we set a budget and check right introduced data. Off efficiency Advertising on Facebook can check in terms of efficiency, coverage recipients or way accommodating what promotes choice the best option campaign where they will be visible. User creating ad has two options configuration. This is allowed Facebook to automatically display ads in optimal places or regulate them accommodation manually. The algorithm regulates the display of ads, for example. With target advertising. Thanks to service available in the ad manager, it is possible to display ads messages on Facebook, Instagram.

Where advertising is placed on Facebook, Instagram

  • Facebook Ads maybe appear in the news, on the right column, in express articles, in streaming video, in stories and on the marketplace.
  • Instagram allows placing ads in the section news or in reports.
  • In partner systems (Audience Network) advertisements may appear in applications, on websites in the form of videos marked awards, or video in-stream.
  • Messenger places ads in your folder “Inbox”. They are arising between conversations that driven by the user.
  • They may also be in the form of sponsorship messages.

Campaign Creator maybe decide where and for whom will display content advertising. The Locations’ panel available in Ad Manager is meant to be configured manually. On this stage user accepts decision advertising on social networks will appear on all devices or only on certain types (for example, only on personal computers).

In addition, there are possibility tune display, proceeding from technical parameter’s equipment, which enjoys potential recipient. This is among other operating system, software version mobile devices.

According to our experience to attract users, we should be very accurate to choose accommodation advertising, if we want to sell directly, we can leave more freedom for the system Facebook.

Advertising in social networks and its visual form

Final campaign launch phase Facebook ADS concerns settings advertising. Notification must be attractive to the recipient and satisfy the need caused by the consumer. Actually, in case with the advertiser there are some moments to convince recipient using advertising. Facebook reports that This about 3 seconds on mobile devices up to 6 seconds on desktop computers. So significant influence provides not only way her submissions, but before total, advertising form.

Attention target groups attract advertising ads, especially memorable his originality. You can present items in an unusual way to create bizarre slogans or wrap everything in bright colors. One There is no proven recipe for success.

Practice shows that for slogans, the most influencing attention consumer, among others, can attribute to “Check”, “final sale”, “discount”, “free”.

Notice submitted to recipient, must be concise, without clichés and should emphasize positive traits of goods / services. Not worth it to create ads similar to competitive ones, or indicating that the product presented is “the best” because such grade puts other goods in their worst light.

Thus, social media advertising networks maybe have the form: images, videos (in the news Facebook from 1 second to 241 minutes, Instagram up to 2 minutes, other places such as Stories, allow 15 seconds of continuous showing video), carousel (at least two images or videos that can move, connect with external subpages), slideshow or albums. Regarding video should remember the principle of distraction attention.

Advertising Agency Tips

What should avoid :

Majority users, for the first time faced with the need to create ads with Facebook ads, don’t even know that there is Ad Manager and Company Manager. This is connected with the fact that Facebook allows to promote separate posts with the promote post button, which limits control over the target group and allows reaching only basic goals stipulated system. Cash funds for promotion of individual posts, usually well over budget organized advertising campaigns. So, This special action that allows it is better cover one post. However, This rarely leads to long-term success in advertising.


Each effective marketing agency knows that social networks have become a critical place and in the context of sales. Research shows that many people use mobile devices, and the number of users in Facebook or Instagram systematically is growing. Therefore, social advertising networks is an effective method of fighting for potential client. These trends increased significantly under pandemics’ coronavirus, and is predicted to be will progressive process.

Advertising in social networks works when we have a corporate marketing plan !