
How to Improve Productivity: A Time Management Technique.

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How to Improve Productivity: A Time Management Technique.

There are only 24 hours in a day. And during this time you need to have time to complete all the planned plans, meet with friends and allocate some more time for yourself. Therefore, it is worth taking time as a tool to achieve the goal.

To do this, you need to be able to properly manage your time. So, here are 16 tips that form the basis of time management:

Prepare in advance.Make a plan for the next day in the evening. There are two reasons for this. First, the brain subconsciously processes these ideas during sleep. Second: having written down the plan, you will not worry about forgetting, and therefore the dream will be calm.

Form a schedule.One of the biggest mistakes is not having a clear idea of ​​what needs to be done on a day. The way out is to prepare a schedule and execute it. First, it will reduce stress and conserve energy. Secondly, you will increase your productivity and feel in control over what you do. Third, you will feel responsible for your life, and this increases self-esteem.

Wake up early.Thus, you will have time to be in peace and quiet while others sleep. You will be able to think about what needs to be done during the day. And this will help save time during the work. Get in the habit of going to bed before 23 o’clock and getting up in the sixth.

Time Management

Don’t forget to take breaks.Long work is exhausting. And small breaks help to recuperate and find inspiration for further work. It is best to use the Pomodoro technique. The essence of the method: 45 minutes of work, 15 minutes of rest. But the work / rest ratio can be changed according to individual characteristics. The main thing is that the ratio is regular, and the rest lasts no more than 15 minutes.

Down with social media while you work.A message from friends, a new tweet or a post is very distracting and prevents you from focusing on work. At the same time, a lot of time is simply wasted uselessly, but it was possible to do something important. Therefore, set aside a certain time in the morning or evening to respond to all private messages. This will save a lot of time and increase productivity.

Get rid of the unnecessary.It is important to learn to distinguish between what is needed and what is not. The better you do it, the more you will discover what is unimportant and just time-consuming. For example, communication with colleagues during work, unnecessary meetings, micromanagement of tasks.

Multitasking is not a recipe for success.Not everyone can be Julius Caesar. Sometimes multitasking only gets in the way, because not everyone can work at this pace. As a result, several projects were not completed at the same time, and concentration was lost. On the contrary, there is irritation and self-doubt.

Develop concentration.The desire to do everything at once can lead to the fact that you do not have time to do anything. Of course, this is on condition that you take on too much work. Therefore, it is better to focus on completing one task, and then proceed to another. It is important that you are not distracted by unnecessary tabs in the browser, applications that you do not use.

Time Management

Learn to say no.If you don’t have time to do what others ask, just refuse politely. That being said, don’t let yourself feel guilty.

Perfectionism isn’t always good.It is important to learn to distinguish between self-criticism and perfectionism. After all, the desire to achieve the ideal is not always justified. As a result, a lot of time is wasted to prove even the unimportant little things in perfection. And, consequently, the deadlines for the completion of work are constantly disrupted. Of course, there is nothing wrong with striving to be the best. But the desire to become the best can turn out to be not for the better. Conclusion: develop a rational attitude to work.

Define a goal.This is necessary in order to avoid wasting time and energy on unimportant matters. Each of your actions should be aimed at achieving the ultimate goal, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a short-term plan or a long-term one.

Prioritize.This will help you see which cases require immediate resolution and which ones can be postponed. In particular, American business consultant Stephen Covey suggests dividing tasks into 4 categories: important and urgent; important but not urgent; urgent but not critical; not urgent and not important.

Delegation is the key to improvement.When the volume of work increases and it becomes impossible to do everything yourself – do not be afraid to entrust it to someone else. After all, the result will be self-doubt, fatigue and decreased motivation. Don’t forget that the success of a business lies in the owner’s ability to look to the future, rather than doing routine tasks.

Divide big plans into small ones.A large amount of work to scare and discourage any desire for work in general. Therefore, it is better to divide large plans into smaller stages. Their achievement will help track progress and stay calm.

Define a productive time.It has been proven that some people work better in the morning or afternoon, while others work better in the evening or even at night. Determine your own time when performance is at its maximum, adjust your schedule. Then you can put important cases at the moment.

Don’t neglect healthy sleep.Better sleep, losing extra hours of work, but getting it done efficiently. Indeed, from constant lack of sleep, the body is depleted, chronic fatigue develops and performance decreases.

To do this, you need to be able to properly manage your time. So, here are 16 tips that form the basis of time management: