
How to write BIO on Instagram (and this BIO sells!)

Leading Digital Agency Since 2001.

How to write BIO on Instagram (and this BIO sells!)

Do you know the rule of three seconds? This is what a potential Instagram observer (client) needs to judge if you are the right person for him / her.

If within these 3 seconds the person does not understand what you are offering and how you can help him, you will lose the chance to establish contact = sales. We have prepared for you some tips on how to change BIO in Instagram, in BIO, which will allow potential customers to find you.

Before changing your BIO

№1. Indicate who exactly is your ideal customer

An ideal customer profile (ICA) is a profile of a person who wants and needs exactly what you offer. The more precisely you define the profile of the ideal customer, the easier it will be for you to prepare content that they will like and meet their needs. The closer, the better! If you determine exactly what you are offering through Instagram (in general!) And to whom you are offering, the sooner your ideal customer will feel that you are keeping an account just for him. Here you start getting followers with the right profile, which you can turn into customers in the future.

They are also the person for whom you write your resume and create all the other Instagram content. Questions you can ask yourself:

  • Woman or man?
  • Where does he live?
  • How old?
  • Marital status?
  • Children?
  • Education?
  • What is he reading?
  • What does he do in his spare time…
  • What is he struggling with? Which prevents a person from sleeping at night

These are just examples of questions that will help you identify one person – your ideal customer.

№2. Identify your niche

The advantage of working in a niche attracts more followers. They say, “if you’re from everything, you’re from nothing” – you will not attract observers who do not understand what you offer them.

№3. Specify a call to action

Remember, not everyone who visits your Instagram profile will be your so-called “Followers”. Nothing is lost, you may have just been visited by someone who is doing some research and is not ready to buy. Offer the person something that will make them remember you. If you don’t, this person will forget about you in a few minutes (painful truth).

We hope that a cloud full of opportunities and ideas will appear over your head.

How to convert BIO to BIO that it sells

STEP 1: Identify your niche

Since you already know who your ideal customer is, in which niche you work, you can change your BIO now. For example, your resume might look like this (you can copy and use this text as you wish):

I help / suggest / teach / show [the client] who [struggles with the problem / doesn’t know how / who wants] to achieve [the XYZ effect].


“I show young mothers how to turn a meal filled with stress and the whining of a child into a pleasant family dinner.” “I offer accommodation for young couples with a child in a luxury apartment in the center with all amenities.” 4 hours a day ”.

In each of the BIO examples, there is a clearly defined client, problem, and effect. How to turn a formulated sentence into BIO? Remember that you have a maximum of 150 characters. You should also work on clear formatting of BIO text so that it is easy to read. Divide it into parts, add emoticons that will enhance the message and attract the attention of a potential observer -> client.

STEP 2: Apply your account positioning to Instagram

A well-placed account will increase the number of views of your account in the Instagram search engine for specific keywords. This gives you a better chance of a potential observer finding you.

STEP 3: Select your profile photo

The profile picture should be easy to remember and high quality (not blurry, not too dark). Remember that BIO is your business card – it should look like it.

STEP 4: Add space

This is especially important if you are a local service provider, you should add the city from which you work. You can do this in the contact settings / settings (here you can add your email address, phone number and location).

STEP 5: Develop an interesting relationship

Not enough space in the biography? Use a dedicated relationship! Here you can tell more about yourself, take care of a good first impression and indicate what you offer to your potential followers.

STEP 6: Photos on the tape

Your niche will more easily understand what you have to offer and will follow you faster than if you publish a variety of content on different topics. Make sure your feed is your company’s directory. Before you achieve this goal, you need to spend at least 9 posts on it. Only after so many “references” will the visitor of your account be able to understand what you are offering. However, keep in mind that when it comes to creating a personal brand, just your own photos work best.