
Quality content on social media : useful tips

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Quality content on social media : useful tips

Monotonous content, dry product description, indifference to their subscribers – these are the main mistakes of novice marketers. To understand what potential clients are really interested in, you should use different content formats, experiment and come up with new creative strategies.

How to create original content on social media

People create an account on social networks for various purposes. Some just run it as a personal blog, others use it as a platform to promote business. Many pages are used to strengthen relationships with existing customers and attract new audiences. Accordingly, an internet marketing strategy should be developed:

1. Select the content type.

2. Decide on the format.

3. Understand which social network is best.

4. Determine the frequency of posts.

All texts are divided into 4 types according to the purposes.

For posts that sell important visuals. These can be photos or videos of products. Tips for the care and use of purchased goods will be useful. Product reviews are important to many customers, they can be in text format or as a video review. Other ideas for selling content:

● Thanksgiving posts and photos of satisfied customers;

● question-answer format;

● survey on the quality of goods / services;

● graphical representation of product information.

Posts on “problem – solution” will be useful for potential customers. To dilute advertising posts, you can tell the history of the company, provide brief information about employees.

Useful content for generating traffic to the site

The purpose of such posts is to give useful information and demonstrate a non-standard view of familiar things. You should show your expertise as much as possible. If you have quality content – it will help increase site traffic. It is recommended to publish promotions and discounts with a detailed description of offers. It is also necessary to publish links to a specific product. A few more ideas:

● link to the feedback page;

● reviews of corporate events;

● more video content;

It is very important to brightly and stylishly design the visual component. In the text it is recommended to use emoticons, lists, selection by paragraphs. All this will help to simplify the perception of information by the client.

Work on loyalty and image

The main purpose of such publications is to attract a new audience. The main emphasis should be on working “behind the scenes”, on the professional life of the company.

Employee stories, stories about how a product was created will also be interesting for customers. We should not forget about raffles, promotions, holiday greetings. Not superfluous on such a page will be entertaining content: humor, quotes, tips. If the topic allows, you can periodically review books and movies. Beautiful visual design of posts and articles is a must.

Do you need a content plan?

It is quite difficult to come up with ingenious publications every day. Even the most ingenious copywriter has a creative crisis. That’s when the content plan comes to the rescue. It allows you to look at publications from a different perspective, which topics should be paid more attention to and which should not be returned to. It also allows you to remember the important dates on which to greet your subscribers. The main characteristics of the content plan:

1. Individuality. Each SMM-nick conducts a plan as convenient to him. It usually looks like a table that can be edited if necessary.

2. The plan must contain the date and time of each publication.

3. You should also take into account the characteristics of the target audience, the hashtags used, the specifics of the posts.

The quality of the content needs to be brought to such a level that one or two posts a day are enough to reach the audience.

Properly designed content plan helps to create really interesting publications and is suitable for all social networks.

How to write a post

Before you start working on the text, you should choose the purpose and topic of the post. Literacy is an indicator of quality. It is recommended that the text be as clear as possible. It is desirable to use simple sentences and avoid pathetic terms. Posts should be published at least 5 times a week. Don’t forget about hashtags. Writing articles that are too long is a thankless task.

Let’s be honest – no one will read them until the end. Photos and videos must match the subject of the text. The color scheme of the content should be in the same style.

Thanks to quality content, trust in the company is formed, with its help you can motivate people to share emotions after buying a service or product. Draws and promotions enliven the audience. The company’s “internal kitchen” is of interest to subscribers, because it is always interesting to know how a product is made. We do not forget about reviews about the company.

An interesting idea is to beat the latest news in a way that applies to the company. And don’t forget to keep track of the statistics for each post to understand which content interests readers the most.