9 excuses that slow down decision-making

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9 excuses that slow down decision-making

1. "I can't do it." The main anchor of decision-making is not knowing your true capabilities. The impossible is possible!

2. "It's all his/her fault". We often want to blame others for problems. True leaders take responsibility for themselves and learn from the lessons.

3. "We are not like this, life is like this". We can blame our living conditions, such as where we live, our financial situation, etc. But think of how many outstanding people from the grassroots have made their way to the top.

4. "I want to be appreciated". Frankly speaking, life is unfair. And we should work not primarily for the favorable assessment of our colleagues, but for self-improvement and positive results

5. "It's just not the right time". Everyone knows the phrase "It was better before". Yes, you face many challenges, or do we just think so? Look for opportunities in everything to make your times better!

6. "It makes me angry/sad". It makes you angry, but you still do nothing about it, you endure it. Don't say this and keep working on yourself and thinking about yourself. You are you, and others are others.
7. "What do you want from someone like me?" People often look for flaws in themselves to justify failures. First of all, don't make excuses. There is a problem - accept it and think about how you can use your "plus" features to solve it.

8. "What is the secret of success?" There is no success science, so there is no specific formula for success. The main thing is hard work, immediate and long-term.

9. "If..., I would...". We constantly imagine what would happen if we said this or that. Let the authors of fiction do this when they create their fictional characters, and you do the real ones. The idea is to live FURTHER and NOW! In the present, without referring to the past and without waiting for the future.

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