Black Friday: A Brief History


Black Friday: A Brief History

Perhaps most of us know the biggest marketing event in November: Black Friday. However, what is the origin of this offer? Why do people wait for it so much? Let's find out!

Firstly, we must know that it doesn't have an exact time (like only on the 29th of November every year). It used to start on the fourth Thursday of November and the day may vary: approximately between the 23rd and 29th of November. Notice: it starts after the Thanksgiving Day, which is a holiday in the USA. Thus, Black Friday is something like a consequence of the "Westernization" process. It should have been a tradition exercised in America, but other countries find it quite cool. Just like Halloween!

Secondly, the history. The tradition of giving such discounts and starting the Christmas shopping season started in the XIX century. The reason for it is that many Santa Claus Parades took place just after (or even during) the Thanksgiving Day and it was the fact that "Christmas presents from Santa are coming". It used to begin on Thanksgiving Day, but the dynamics were low. Everyone wanted to spend the holiday with family, not with shop assistants and goods! That's why they moved the discount program to Friday.

Why is it "Black"? Philadelphia knows! People in the city called in such a way the traffic jam that formed just after the Thanksgiving Day. It looked like a huge smog! However, the modern definition is different. According to some experts, "Black Friday" derives from an English idiom "in the black", which means "a positive balance". The opposite meaning is "in the red".

Interesting Fact: according to surveys, the average bill on Black Friday is about $400.