The modern world is designed in such a way that people learn a lot at the same time as they are exposed to various negative factors. We start living on autopilot and forget to think through our decisions.
A new year means a new life, but this concept is rather stereotypical. So why don't you replace it with opportunities or upgrades? We have compiled a list of rules for you to follow today and in the days ahead.
Read more
No matter how much popular literature is abridged, to understand the main you need to read the whole thing, or even better, read the original. Choose the literature that you like and that will be useful in your career. Remember: it's better to spend an hour before bed reading than watching memes on social media.
Take an online course
A couple of years ago, people could probably only dream of such an opportunity. А now it is widespread, especially since you get a certificate after after completing the course. Use different platforms: EdX, EdEra, Prometheus, Coursera, Udemy, Khan Academy, and develop in different directions!
Find someone who motivates you
There are two ways to do this: choose a historical figure and a person from "your reality." Although it all depends on the circumstances, examples of such people can easily come in handy when you are thinking: what's next?
Plan your day on paper/in the app
Perhaps this rule is the credo of the most successful personalities of our time, such as such as Brian Tracy or Bill Gates. A simple comparison is a shopping list: you are better off to walk around the store within a certain framework than to wander chaotically.
Visit a new country
The main thing is to communicate with new people. Each country has a unique mentality, and each resident has a different view of the world. Communicate with people, learn about the culture, enjoy walks either in the metropolis or in the historical center.
Go to the gym or go for a run
Both options are good and will definitely not do any harm. Even after difficult work routines, when you are constantly sitting, you should give your body physical activity. One day - the gym, the next - a run. This way, you will reduce the chance of stress and depression.
Find your daily hobby
Painting, playing guitar, jogging, books, pets, baking, origami, embroidery - and this is just a very small list of your possible personal hobbies. There must be something that really brings you aesthetic pleasure and relaxation.
Learn 5 new skills
But don't set limits here either: what if you can do more? Do you want to write incredible notes? Do you want to learn how to play flamenco guitar and more? Are you waiting to be invited to a TV show as an analyst? Don't sit back and take action! When, if not today?
Start your own blog
Bloggers are probably the most authoritative experts of our time. We often hear from our friends: "I read a blogger yesterday...". If you have something to share with social media users, don't hesitate. Just think about your personal schedule, choose a topic and target audience.
Write a poem or essay
Going back to blogging, we often see posts like "It's boiled over" or "Reflections" posts. It's cool, but it's not advisable to share it with the general public at once. public at once. If you have some ideas, write about them briefly. And if you are a person creative and inspired, write a poem. Rhyming is a great brain activity.
Try to make money on a freelance platform
There are many such platforms, both domestic and foreign. Let it be simple (whenever possible) translation of a text, or ads for tutoring, or development of or software development... Remember: if you have the right skills use every opportunity. Especially when it is paid!
Organize your workplace
We often hear that everything should be in accordance with Feng Shui. Although such feng shui can be created only for an Instagram post. Get rid of those things on your desk that you don't need don't need for work, make it clean and start working!
Hold challenges
Challenges are always something new for you: something you haven't done before, but Their peculiarity is that the result is either victory or defeat. And since our nature is primarily geared towards winning, why not not take this opportunity to try?
Summarize the week/month/year
Somewhat similar to a report, but not. It's about your personal achievements. What did I learned this month? How much money did I earn? What places did I visit? Who did I did I meet? The criteria for the "report" are up to you.
Limit the use of social media and electronic devices
Be that as it may, being active on smartphones and computers exhausts us. І spending significant energy on them will not do you any good. It's just simply put, it's a waste of nerves. If you work at a computer (and not only) don't get distracted by messengers and news feeds. Check your messages and news in the evening when you have free time.
Watch one TED talk a day
There are a lot of them. Seriously. Not to mention the forum website itself. And each lecture is unique and on different topics: from postmodernism to animal psychology. Moreover, this is another "practice" of the English language.
Don't waste your day complaining.
Complaints, complaints, complaints... how many do we hear in a day? And how many can we hear from ourselves and not even notice it! Your day should begin and end with the words of gratitude. Every experience is, first of all, an experience, and you don't need to tell about your failures to the general public until you have solved them.
Collect certificates for participation in trainings or forums.
It is an integral part of any resume. Demonstration is the best argument in negotiations or interviews, and a certificate is a proof of your active position and your commitment.
Wake up as early as possible.
We encourage you to read G. Elrod's book "A Wonderful Morning" in this context. For some people, the morning begins with an unwanted wake-up call, noisy alarms, and the phrase "just 5 more minutes." For others, it's time to start conquering the world. Determine the norm of your sleep, make your morning a kind of ritual and most importantly: wash your face, brush your teeth, do some exercises and have breakfast!
Keep moving and never stop
Movement is life, life is movement. Act, develop and adapt the rules to your own to your own regimen. No one will succeed for you but you. Have you read this? Act now!