What sins Instagram bans for.


What sins Instagram bans for.

Do you know what a "shadow ban" is?

If you don't know, thank God, but that doesn't mean you don't have it. And we wouldn't know this "beast" if we hadn't faced it ourselves.

So what is a "shadow ban"? It is a sharp decrease in the reach of an account. User engagement and metrics are reduced by at least 2 times, while the subscribers themselves remain in place. But your posts are no longer shown to them. Because of the shadow ban, they simply do not see you!

Why can you be sent to a shadow ban?

  1. Use of the same hashtags in several posts released in a row.
  2. A large number of hashtags under the post (30 and above). Although we have seen information that Instagram has lowered the number of permissible hashtags to 15.
  3. Frequent editing of already published posts.
  4. Exceeding the limits for subscribers, likes, comments, and other interactions.
  5. Constant complaints from other users about the account.
  6. Use of third-party programs that have not been approved by Instagram itself.
  7. Don't put 100500 likes without a break;
  8. Don't follow other profiles too quickly;
  9. Do not copy other people's texts and photos;
  10. Do not put the Instagram logo on your avatar;
  11. Do not use third-party programs to boost bots and likes;
  12. Don't write too many comments.

By following these simple rules, you won't get banned from Instagram. But if this happens, don't worry, it's not fatal, it's just temporary.

Do something else useful. Pay attention to your family, children, go for a walk. It's spring, the birds are singing, it's beautiful! Ban is not the end of the world.