Free photo stocks


Free photo stocks

Для просування бізнесу в соцмережах важливі хороші публікації з якісними зображеннями — чим більше уваги привертає ілюстрація, тим вищі шанси, що користувач прочитає текст і зацікавиться товаром або послугою.

You can use free photo stocks and photo banks for community and advertising. They offer millions of images that can be freely used for commercial purposes without violating copyright.

  1. Free Range Stock.
    Here you will find a lot of images of nature and everyday objects, as well as pictures suitable for illustrating abstract concepts such as "idea", "success", "imagination". There are sections by category, new releases, and popular ones. The site requires mandatory registration to download pictures.
  2. Life Of Pix.
    Photos on this resource can be conveniently searched not only by authors but also by 13 categories. Once every 7 days, the Photographer of the Week is chosen here, and the winners' works can be viewed and downloaded in the selection. You can also customize your search by selecting a tag, category, image color, and portrait or landscape in the filter.
  3. Splitshire.
    A project by photographer Daniel Nanescu. The 965 photos are sorted into 18 categories, with the best ones in the top. The site also offers free high-resolution videos. The main topics of the videos are landscapes and travel.
  4. Unsplash.
    It is one of the largest resources with 300,000 free high-resolution images. 50,000 photographers from all over the world publish their work here every day. The site has a division into categories, collections, tags, and a subscription to photographers. You can also see the most popular search topics.
  5. Pexels.
    Here you can find the best images from most other photo stocks. Convenient search by 154 categories and photographers. Each author gets a place in the ranking based on the number of downloads in the last month. There is a newsletter with new products, sections with popular images and top search categories.
  6. Gratisography.
    Проект Райана МакГір. Колекція незвичайних, дивних, дивовижних, диких фотографій. Є поділ за категоріями. Знімки оновлюються щотижня, і на новинки можна підписатися.
  7. ISO Republic.
    3000 ліцензованих фотографій в 16 категоріях, які оновлюються щотижня. Є пошук по тегам і підписка на новинки. Також на сайті з’явилися відеоролики на різні тематики.
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