Corporate identity is a key element in creating the image of a company or brand, shaping its personality and consciousness. Professional branding of a company stands out in the market and attracts the attention of potential customers.
It is convincing because the corporate identity is one of the main elements of logo design and corporate materials. Modern business and communication requirements require a broader approach to corporate identity. A modern corporate identity is not is not a matter of creating several projects, but requires the development of a visual brand system. Visual identification is a prelude to creating a reliable business and a key element of brand positioning in the industry.
Corporate identity, visual identification
Visual identification is the main tool for creating a brand image in the market. This term is usually used to get a clear and consistent identification of the market and distinguish it from competing brands. A consistent visual system is the most important element of comprehensive identification.
Brand book - is a description of the procedures used in the graphic labeling of a company. It is designed to provide a clear and concise definition that will logically refer to the brand, its logo and organizational culture.
The elements of of the system allow you to identify the company for potential customers and business partners and business partners. A brand book is especially important at the beginning of a business when it comes to the market of first customer contacts with the company. The first impression can be a one-time thing, so you need to make sure that all the elements evoke the desired feelings and emotions.
Rules for creating a corporate identity style
Corporate identity must meet certain criteria:
- characteristics and policies of the company;
- easy to remember;
- elicit customer feedback;
- creation of a conceptual idea and its thorough implementation.
Elements of corporate identity
Corporate identity style consists of visual elements. The broader the view of the entire system, the greater will be the degree of its impact.
Elements of corporate identity include:
- logo is an original trademark
- corporate colors and typography - fonts, font sizes
- visual appearance of printed materials (business cards, flyers, banners)
- marketing and brand promotion
- appearance of products and their packaging
- website
- staff dress code, office design, exhibition stands, etc.

You can officially record these elements can be officially recorded in a special book - the Brand Book.
У brand book describes all the possible aspects according to which a company builds its brand. It is an official report on the company's presentation patterns that comprehensively describes the elements of the identification system and the methods and rules for their use. Brand book systematizes all the assumptions of corporate identity.
Therefore, a brand book may include the following visual identification of the company:
- company symbols - logo, flag, symbols, decorative elements
- corporate colors
- typographic materials - font style and size
- Printed materials - letterheads, envelopes, corporate record cards, business cards, business documents, invoices, bills, invoices and other business forms
- advertising, marketing templates, audiovisual forms, presentations, printed materials for public relations
- appearance of the website and social media
- vehicle labeling
- design bureau and the company's environment - architecture and design of buildings, office interiors, retail outlets
- visual information - information boards, notice boards, internal and external signs, corporate signs
- Other means of identification (flags, banners, mascots, souvenirs)
Records of of visual identification can be expanded into a language communication book, which includes: company slogan, slogans, words, key names and suggested standard texts. All these elements have a verbal visual form. You can also attach to them media that contain identifying elements of music.
Why corporate identity?
Precisely because it is the basis for all types of communication between the company and the public. Thanks to its use, you can ensure the unity of visual and content components of your services and products, as well as any information that comes from your business. With good identification, you can achieve consistency brand communications. All brand elements in the process of creating new materials or messages should be consistent and logical. Graphic materials are part of brand communication, because customers have certain feelings and associations certain feelings and associations.
Advantages of visual identification?
The process brand creation process should be consistent and well thought out. If you start the process of creating your brand from the creation of a corporate identity, you will get not only not only the consistency of graphics, but also the consistency of all brand communication.
Creating a visual identity is a good investment in brand development. Of course, in the beginning you will only need the beginning, you will only need a logo and business cards. Over time, the investment invested in visual identity will pay off. Other projects will be much easier to implement, and the designer does not need to develop everything from scratch, but only continue to continue working. Thus, the whole process of creating a brand with the help of professional visual identity is simply cheaper in the long run.
Professional branding of your brand will help you stand out among others, attract the attention of of potential customers by showing that you can be trusted. Therefore, you should think holistically about the identification of the company. A logo is an original visual image that contains a concise graphic representation of the company name or reflects the essence of its activities.
We offer you a unique design that combines visual and information tools. This will help you make a loud statement in the market and stand out against the background of other companies.

We will develop the following corporate identity components for you:
- logo or trademark design;
- a combination of corporate colors and branded fonts;
- design of business cards, letterheads and other branded printed materials;
- layouts of e-mail and fax messages;
- company brochures, notebooks and folders.
Also our company offers the creation of a beautiful and stylish website that will allow you to expand your target audience and increase brand awareness.