
How does Google work?

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How does Google work?

The Google search engine, which provides Internet users with the information they are looking for, consists of three stages: uploading, indexing, and displaying results. So, let's go through all the steps to understand how Google works.

Downloading stage - is the process by which Google's search engine (called Googlebot) tries to find new pages and update those sites that have already been added to the Google index. The process of finding new pages is very laborious and requires the use of many computers and their computing power. Googlebot uses algorithmic mechanisms that allow programs to make decisions about the indexing of selected sites, the frequency of their indexing, and other conditions.

The next stage of searching for Internet user queries is indexing. At this stage, Googlebot prepares a huge index of keywords that appear on web pages. The index also creates keyword locations on the pages.

Google robot - Googlebot also has the ability to process indexed websites. This creates a huge set (index) of all the words that were entered into the search with their location on the sites.

The last stage of the search is, of course, the final one, display of query resultsentered by Internet users. When an Internet user enters a search phrase, web crawlers search the index for phrases and keywords that appear on pages. Intelligent robots first show the pages that they consider to be the most relevant, i.e., those containing the words and phrases entered by the user.

Google uses many indicators and algorithms to display results. No one knows for sure all the indicators that Google uses. They are constantly modified and updated because Google likes to surprise.